Jubileums Tower — Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
Göteborg, Sweden

Jubileums Tower


Jubileum tower is planned to be the first tower to be built in the RegionCity, the new developing site next to the railway station and the heart of Gothenburg, in Sweden. It has the ambition to become a signal building and an inviting entrance to the area of business, housing and culture infrastructures.

The design of the volume represents timelessness and emphasizes the clear, robust shape with refined roof peak and representative facade niches that create a depth and play of shadows on the facades.

The facilities are organized in a flexible way to provide the best conditions for professional use. Natural light, openings and connections between levels create an inspiring and welcoming working atmosphere.



Direct commission (2016)

Göteborg, Sweden

Illustrations by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter.