NTNU Gjøvik Wins SECOND Gullhjelmen – “The Golden Hard Hat” — Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

NTNU Gjøvik Wins SECOND Gullhjelmen – “The Golden Hard Hat”

Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter project for the new N-building at Gjøvik University College (NTNU) received the government reward for on-site safety, the Gullhjelmen for the second time!  

We are immensely proud to receive this award again. We congratulate the dedicated project team and their everyday focus on the Security, Health and Working environment (SHA) on the NTNU Gjøvik project site. 

"I feel that in this project we have lifted our SHA work up in the elite series. We have five main goals, the first and most important thing is that everyone should come safely home" says project manager André Skjelstad in Betonmast Innlandet.

The N-building project received the Statsbygg award Gullhjelmen also in the autumn of 2016. 

The prize, awarded twice a year, is granted to the projects that best perform in Statsbygg's extensive SHA inspections. We are glad to have win this time in competition with 29 other state-owned projects! The N-building in Gjøvik, with University College in Vestfold, are the only government buildings to have received the prize twice.

A new SHA inspection was carried out at the project site this week, and both the contractor and the builder are keen on whether the project can handle the performance for the third time..!

The team received the Golden Hard Hat and cake yesterday on site

The team received the Golden Hard Hat and cake yesterday on site