Since the Architizer award ceremony in New York a few weeks ago, we have been offering a celebratory 15% discount on our book "Reiulf Ramstad Architects - Selected works" — to celebrate that we were awarded Firm of the Year 2015. So that our subscribers and followers might benefit, we are extending the offer until 12th of July. Just remember to add the discount code "foty2015" on checkout!
“This exclusive monograph, edited by Danish architect Boris Brorman Jensen, pursues the theme “life is beautiful” while providing an in-depth study of the unique qualities and exceptional contextual sensibility that characterize Ramstad’s oeuvre.”
The book covers an extensive range of Reiulf Ramstad Architects' work – both past, on-going and unrealised – with full-spread photographs accompanied by contextual drawings and statements. It also contains three essays offering different perspectives on the comprehensive body of work by RRA: architectural critic and -historian Hans Ibelings offers a socio-cultural outlook, architectural theoretician Carsten Thau takes the philosophical angle and the author, Brorman Jensen, provides a personal in-sight.